
Leave Room in Your Suitcase

[caption id="attachment_media-15" align="alignleft" width="401"] Photo by Pixabay on[/caption] So, did you think this post was going to be about travel? Great. It is. But, it's not. Hopefully, we are all going somewhere. However, we are not always going on vacation. Or going out of town. Or going on a safari, per se. We are, however, traveling through life. We need to have our suitcase packed, our selves ready, open, and available to step, fly, jump, and fall forward into the next place. Our metaphorical bags should always be packed, as in why slow down to throw in a toothbrush...

Add A Brick

I stood up in front of the small crowd of people last night. Naked. [caption id="attachment_media-14" align="alignleft" width="168"] Photo by Kaboompics .com on[/caption] Kidding. I might as well have been. Two other authors and I were reading from our work, and I was the least accomplished of the trio by far. So, I can choose to engage in self-flagellation . . . or I can view it as a brave opportunity to add a brick to the building I'm constructing. The building of me. Notice... the building at left has fire escapes! That's me, too. I'm a building with...