

A few creative friends and I were chatting about the need for curiosity as we approach our art. Curiosity seems built into babies, and growing invites them to test everything. At some critical point, they discover their feet and stick them in their mouths, like everything else. Nothing better than to see that moment of DELIGHT and AWE when a baby “groks” that their feet are attached to them! And they can put their feet into their mouth (love that flexibility!) any old time they want.

When do we lose our sense of AWE as adults? Is it when we can’t put our metaphorical feet in our mouths (except when we do so in error)? Is flexibility a clue? Not physical, but mental. How do we tap into AWE? Where is the door to enter that AWE room? Is it locked, or just stuck?

“To be more childlike, you don’t have to give up being an adult. The fully integrated person is capable of being both an adult and a child simultaneously. Recapture the childlike feelings of wide-eyed excitement, spontaneous appreciation, cutting loose, and being full of awe and wonder at this magnificent universe.” ~ WAYNE DYER

I love Wayne Dyer stuff. I miss him. He captures in that quote what I was trying to say, only better. Lots better.

I am continually in awe of the universe and its gifts. I try to stay in awe of the world around me by pressing to learn more every day. It’s counterintuitive, but the less you know, the more you can be in awe. As in,

Heck, I didn’t know about that!! HOW COOL!

That’s awe for me if I can stop long enough to settle and be still in the feeling before rushing to the next ‘thang’ on the to-do list. That means that awe has an element of mindfulness, being quietly present, and feeling joy in each living moment.

I am going to try to have an awe-filled, childlike day.

Photo compliments of Pixabay.

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