About Me,Age,Choices,Courage,Future,Life,Love Yourself,Time

The Coat of Me

What color is my coat? Green? No. I do not like green.But is it magic? Yes.Wool? No.Waterproof? Yes, when it needs to be.Hurt-proof? Yes, when it can be.(For without water or hurt, we do not grow.)Warm? In winter or when I want it to be.Buttons? Yes. Big FUN buttons.What does it remind me of? My mom.How does it make me feel? Authentic.The best thing about it? It is my only coat! I don’t need twelve. It has an endlessness to it. A timelessness. I wore it young and I wear it old. It is young Kathryn. Old Kathryn. All Kathryns:...

Personal Board of Directors

Do you have a "Personal Board of Directors"? I have seen the idea in the Wall Street Journal and am considering the power of same. It's also another interpretation of the phrase: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, [including yourself].” ~ Jim Rohn (motivational speaker) I chose to borrow the slight addition [including yourself] to the Jim Rohn quote (hat tip to https://personalexcellence.co/blog/average-of-5-people/) because I agree. WE are alas, one of those peeps we cannot evade, avoid, or distance from as much as we'd like to sometimes. I'm pondering a board of...