A Book Review

The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved “The Fortune Teller.” I won’t tell you how it ends, but I was hooked from the first page. I liked the main character, Semele, because she was almost as much in the dark as we were, which made her discovery all the more satisfying. I was intrigued by the Tarot cards, impressed by the research, and enthralled by the mystical feel on each page.
There was a tinge of foreboding, as we don’t find out the identity of the enigmatic “VS” person until almost the end, and the villain is, well, a very good (or bad, depending on your POV) villain. Other characters were well-drafted and moved Semele’s story along, from the boyfriend, Bren, to her boss and her client, who . . . No. I can’t tell you. It would ruin it.
Suffice it to say that I’m now seeking my own “perfect” set of Tarot cards.
Also, Gwendolyn does an excellent job of speaking. She presented at the California Writers Club in September and taught us how she uses Tarot cards (along with runes and other unconventional tricks) to help inspire and move her writing projects.
I wonder about the forces around us, and about the fortunes we create for ourselves, realizing that we may not be in control at all. Ever.
“The Fortune Teller” was one of my favorite books.
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