
“No Place to Hide” Book Review

No Place to Hide: Easy-to-Read Novel for Teens by Russ Thompson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this little book! It takes us through the journey of a high school student, Owen Daniels, who cannot read and is failing all his classes. What will happen to him? Every chapter offers another opportunity for us to cheer him on and hope he will not let his low self-image derail him on his quest to learn to read.

A substitute teacher plays heavily in his growth, and his uncle, mom, smart sister, and a side character who owns the “Taco Slab” (cool name) all aid in keeping us guessing at the ending.
The book’s format is designed to be read by youngsters in Owen’s exact position. And the author, Russ Thompson, as a high school principal for years, is just the person to write this story. He firmly believes that if people of any age set their mind to do something, they can.
Read. This. Book. Give it to a friend who needs some motivation. It won’t disappoint.

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